As the basic insurance plan is mandatory, finding the best premium can save you a lot of money. In addition to the basic plan, you also have the option to choose additional premiums that suit your needs.
Let’s get to
the matter.
All health insurance plans are created to provide a specific type of coverage, so it's important to know what you're looking for. It's also good to know your budget so you can find the plan that best fits you.
Our online Assistant compares all plans
on the market within seconds.
As promised, the process is as always quick and easy. Simply enter your details below to see what offers are available for you. Once you choose the perfect healthcare plan, you will receive a free offer.
- 1 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(1) : step(1)]">
- 2 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(2) : step(2)]">
Basic Insurance
- 3 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(3) : step(3)]">
- 4 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(4) : step(4)]">
Request Quote
- 5 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(5) : step(5)]">
- 1 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(1) : '']">Persons
- 2 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(2) : '']">Basic Insurance
- 3 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(3) : '']">Result
- 4 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(4) : '']">Request Quote
- 5 || finalStep == 5) ? completedStep(5) : '']">Confirmation
Enter personal Details
For whom you wish to calculate premiums?
Please enter all the persons you wish to enclude in your health insurance.
Your Details
Personal Details
D.O.B {{person.year}}
Basic Insurance
Every individual residing in Switzerland is required to have basic health insurance, which includes general medical check-ups and healthcare treatments. Under legal provisions, all health insurance providers are obliged to offer uniform benefits for basic coverage.
Whom would you prefer to consult as your primary source of guidance in the event of illness? You may choose multiple options.
Opting for an alternative insurance model such as HMO, GP, or Telmed can entitle you to a premium discount of up to 25%.
{{}} {{i+1}}
The insurance model of the first person is applied.
{{errors.first('insurance_model_'+i)}}What annual amount are you willing to contribute for medical benefits as your basic insurance deductible?
Your selection of a deductible amount dictates your annual personal expenditure before the insurance company begins coverage. Please be aware that opting for a higher deductible leads to a reduction in premium costs.
{{}} {{i+1}}
Do you require accident insurance?
If you are employed for a minimum of 8 hours per week by a single employer, you are not required to have accident insurance.
{{}} {{i+1}}
Supplement Insurance
You wish to broaden the coverage of your mandatory basic insurance, we recommend considering supplementary insurance. By opting for supplementary insurance, you can mitigate unexpected additional expenses and enhance your convenience and flexibility in the event of illness.
How important are a high level of comfort and preferential access to hospital treatments (supplemental hospital insurance)?
If you have private or semi-private hospital cover, you can stay in a single or two-bed room in hospital and have free choice of doctor and hospital.
{{}} {{i+1}}
Which additional benefits of the supplementary outpatient insurance should your health insurance cover?
Supplemental outpatient insurance covers benefits that are not included in basic insurance
{{}} {{i+1}}
What other additions are important to you?
Additional insurance options bridge any gaps in your basic insurance cover or provide extra benefits.
{{}} {{i+1}}
What dental cover do you want your health insurer to provide
{{}} {{i+1}}
Would you also like to receive the benefits selected above if you have an accident?
If you include accident cover, the benefits covered by the supplemental insurance company for an accident are exactly the same as for illness.
{{}} {{i+1}}
Cheapest plan for the person
Based on the information you provided

{{,15)+" ..."}}
Your Details
Personal Details
CHF {{Number(pby[person.year]).toFixed(2)}}
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}{{person.gender}}
D.O.B {{person.year}}
Edit Details
Basic Health Insurance
Without accident cover
With accident cover
Total Premium
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}Results with required cover
The results in this section match the data you provided and cover all the required benefits.

CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}
Monthly premiumMixed Model (PrimaFlex) Offered by Groupe Mitual
Premium reduction


CHF {{Number(ins.price).toFixed(2)}}
Monthly premiumYour Details
Personal Details
CHF {{Number(pby[person.year]).toFixed(2)}}
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}{{person.gender}}
D.O.B {{person.year}}
Edit Details
Basic Health Insurance
CHF 2500 (reasonable for costs below CHF 2000)
CHF 600 (reasonable for costs below CHF 2000)
CHF 300 (reasonable for costs over CHF 2,000)
CHF 0 (reasonable for costs over CHF 2,000)
CHF {{basicInsDeduct[i].deductable}}
Without accident cover
With accident cover
Edit Details
Total Premium
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}Your Details
Personal Details
CHF {{Number(pby[person.year]).toFixed(2)}}
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}{{person.gender}}
D.O.B {{person.year}}
Edit Details
Basic Health Insurance
Without accident cover
With accident cover
Total Premium
CHF {{Number(seletedPackage.price).toFixed(2)}}
Your purchase has been confirmed
Please check your email, we've sent e-mail to {{personLists[0]}} to confirm the validity of your email address.

New in
After entering the country, you are obliged to get a healthcare plan for yourself within 3 months. We know that choosing the perfect premium can be challenging especially If you are new in Switzerland.
We are here to help you out for free! Ask our virtual Assistant, or chat with an expert now!